Local Emergency Locksmith

Reliable local locksmith services

Call: 0740 5216806

Contact Sparrow Locksmiths -

Contact Sparrow Locksmiths if you need a Local Domestic Locksmith, a Commercial Locksmith, Garage & Gate Locks, if you are Locked Out, or if you need a Local Emergency Locksmith, Security Survey Systems, UPVC & Double Glazing Services, Lock Repair & Lock Fitting or any Locksmith Services in Northampton, Locksmith Services in Milton Keynes, Locksmith Services in Wellingborough or Locksmith Services in Rushden or anywhere in and around the Midlands, United Kingdom, Call, Mail or Visit us to book a service!

We try to reach you in just 30 minutes after getting informed, especially in case of lock-related emergencies. Also, we do our best to make your domestic and commercial properties secure with trusted and efficient locksmith services. At Sparrow, customer satisfaction and security are our best priorities. If you are in an emergency or are willing to book a specific locksmith service, give us a call to try our prompt and reliable services with years of experience!

Need A Domestic / Commercial / Emergency Lock Service?

Call Sparrow locksmith now for a free quote or
to book a service!

You can visit us in person to book our services!
Sparrow Locksmith

27-29 Weedon Rd, Northampton NN5 5BE
United Kindom

You can visit us in person to book our services!
Sparrow Locksmith

27-29 Weedon Rd, Northampton NN5 5BE
United Kindom

Or, you can mail us to –


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